Monday, June 24, 2013

I Can't Even Take the Cuteness!

I have been friends with these two cuties momma for just about 12 years (omg Rian, how has it been that long?!?).  I can not say enough nice things about her.  To put it as simple as I can, she is just one of the most awesome people that I have the pleasure of calling my friend.  AND, she makes ADORABLE kids.. seriously A-FREAKIN-DORABLE!

I could go on and on about how awesome Rian is, how incredibly smart and compassionate her four year old daughter is, and just how stinkin cute little man is, but I will let you look at the pictures instead. :)  Enjoy!

little man was getting ready for pictures, so little lady and I had some fun together.  She said she NEEDED a picture with Dora, so that is what we did.  (she also set up her toys against the background and had a mini-session of her own with her very own camera.  I think I may have a great assistant in a few years:) )

Then she insisted that we take a picture at the same time, who doesn't love doing that!!  I could seriously hang out with this kid all day and never be board!  As we were waiting she was schooling me on the differences between being a vegetarian and a vegan, she was on the fence about which she wanted to try out. (again, she is 4) And her mom, Rian, is fully on board with what ever route she wants to take.. I just adore this family!

the eyes.. my goodness these eyes.  This little boy is breath-taking! 

Every time I look at the picture I think he is trying to move something with his mind... lol

I have never met a more proud big sister!!  Little man wasn't feeling the love so much, lol, but hey, he will have a life time of annoying her ahead of him. :)

Thank you so much to Rian and Georgie for letting me take pictures of your BEAUTIFUL family!  I can't wait to take some pictures of the 4 of you together. :)  Love, just love.

Pretty in Pink and Hansom in Blue

I have known Brittany for a few years now, she has to be one of most out-going and fun girls that I know.  We used to work together, and there was NEVER a dull moment. :)  When she asked me to do her family portraits, I was pretty excited, I knew that it was going to be a good time.  And of course, it was :)

I did this sessions a few months ago, but it was for a present so I had to wait on sharing, I hope you enjoy as much as I did :)

how cute are they?!

A big thank you to Brittany and her beautiful and fun family for letting me take your pictures!!