As soon I as knew we were moving to Canada, I knew that I needed to find a mommy group to join. I knew that sitting in the house day in and day out with me and Gray just staring at each other would lead to no good, he would get bored with me pretty shortly, and I would just go insane with no adult interaction. Shortly after we arrived I started my search and quickly found an amazing group of moms. The Oakville Mom's Meet up group keeps us busy with a few activities a week, Gray love to "play kids" and I LOVE the interaction with other moms :)
Today we went to a play date called "Little Picassos." The mom hosting it did a wonderful job setting stations all over the yard with paints, crayons, markers, and chalk. She even had a station for painting with feet!! (I have to say, Karen, you are MUCH more organized that I am!) As I was gathering the supplies we would need last night, I thought "what a great opportunity to get some shots of the kids being creative and just having a blast!" Unfortunatly, being just about 8 months pregnant, and chasing a 2 year old around is not the best recipe for taking a bunch of pictures. I did get a few of the kids playing, maybe next time I will be able to get more :)

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