Kelli and I have been great friends since the 7th grade.. we met on the bus and the rest was history. We did everything together thoughout middle and high school. Every weekend we were either at her house or my house. We went on family vacations together and everything, our poor families for having to deal with us as a constant pair for so many years! As the years have gone on life has taken us on different paths, Kelli moved to Florida for a few years, I missed her tons but we still stayed close. She FINALLY moved back to NJ, I was SO excited to have my friend back!! And about a year later I found out that I had to move to Canada, I tried to talk Kelli into coming with me, but she has two things holding her back. Her wonderful boyfriend Tony, and her ADORABLE son Carter... Just take a look at this kid, and you will quickly see why she was not willing to just up and leave to go to another country with me :) The minute I found out Kelli was pregnant I was beyond ecstatic... and this little man is exactly why!
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