Want to get some great pics of your family but don't want to commit to a full hour and a half session? I am happy to announce that Sunday, October 28th I am going to do my first "mini-session" day. What is a mini session? Basically its a 30 minute abbreviated session, usually you pick the place and I come to you, for the mini session I pick the place and you come to me.
When?: Sunday, October 28th 10:00am-6:00pm, I will be starting apts PROMPTLY on the 1/2 hour.
Where?: Chestnut Branch Park, we can get some really beautiful images with great fall foliage!!
How much?: Just $30 for 30 minutes!!
What does this include?: Your 30 minute shoot, 10-15 images (in color and black and white) on a high-resolution CD and a personalized photo share site.
What to wear?: I found this great guide for what to wear for fall sessions!
what, oh what to wear?
How to book?: Email me at richellethorntonphotography@gmail.com, or call me at 856-419-0934 to reserve your spot! If you are emailing, please be sure to give me your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice.
This is my first mini shoot, so please tell your friends and family as well!! Unfortunately the only way I will be able to do this is if I get a pretty full day, but if the day fills up quickly I just may have to add a second day! :)
Hope to see you all October 28th!!!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Today my little lady turns one, she is no longer a "baby" and is now a toddler. (these are some pics of her newborn session.) To celebrate her birthday I decided to do a smash the cake photo session. I spent hours on Saturday making her cake, it probably would have taken anyone else about an hour, but I didn't use enough batter... the cake broke in the mold, and I had to "glue" it back together with icing. The plan was to do the session the following day, on Sunday. I had another shoot on Saturday, and when I got home I checked the weather.. rain, all day Sunday. My cake was holding together by a thread.. we were 15 minutes to bed time, and Sunday was no longer an option. We decided to just go with it, she was in a great mood so we dressed her up, took her outside and put the cake in front of her. In my head, this was a brilliant idea, these were going to be the most perfect pictures in the history of photography. HA. Little lady and I were not on the same page. As I took the pictures, and she cried, and pouted, and tried everything in her power to get off the blanket to play in the grass, I thought to myself "there is no way I can put these in my portfolio! I don't want potential clients to think I make babies cry!" While I went in the house feeling completely defeated, I decided to download the pictures and see just how terrible they were. And while no, they are not the "smily, happy, sunshine, and rainbows" pictures I had hoped for, I think they turned out perfect none the less. Little lady has always been our "spirited" child, if something is pissing her off, EVERYONE will know, and in this case, the cake was really pissing her off. It was a real lesson in parenting, we can plan plan plan all we want, it is really the little people that call the shots. My little lady is sometimes difficult, she is stubborn, she has the loudest scream I have ever heard, but I would not have her any other way. :)
After our not-so-happy smash the cake session, I decided to try again. I stuck little lady in my wedding dress, threw some jewelry boxes around her and just started shooting away. I was really happy with the way these came out, it shows the sweeter side of our little screamer :)
This is her "no" face
A big happy birthday to the littlest love of my life <3 p="p">
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Holly, Seb, and Kids. Part II
You may remember Holly, Seb, and the beautiful kids from this post. Well, its been 10 whole months, and the kids have gotten so big!! I was super excited to have the opportunity to photograph this beautiful family again, and you can see why, they are freakin adorable!! Ava is insanely beautiful, I see modeling in her future, and Max is just the most hansom little man! I am going to miss these guys more than words can say when we move back to the states, so before I go into a tear-ful sob fest here, I am going to leave you to the pics :)

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