As many of you know, we recently moved to Canada. While everyone at home is enjoying 80/90 degree perfect beach weather, we are still in the 60s and 70s (not that I am really complaining about that, being almost 7 months pregnant I really do not want the 90 degree weather!)..but along with the cooler temperatures, it has been raining, a lot. In the past week, I believe we have only had one sunny day, the rest have been cool and rainy. So when I checked the forecast for this past weekend, and saw that saturday was supposed to be 74 and sunny, I emailed my husband at work right away and said that we HAD to do something outside, as our two year old son and myself have been trapped in the house for a week! We decided on the Toronto zoo. So on Saturday morning, as soon as our son woke up, we all got ready, loaded in the car and made the hour long trek to the zoo! When we left the house it was cold and rainy (no where on the forecast were they calling for rain) but we decided that we didn't care, we were going!
Thankfully the light rain and cooler temperatures did seem to keep most of the large crowds, and by the afternoon the sun was shining and it actually turned out to be a beautiful day! We did not realize how large the Toronto Zoo is, but it really is very very large. Walked all day, and our poor son did not quite make it the whole day, he ended up napping in his stroller as my husband and I checked out the zoo. We got around to seeing most of it, but as I said earlier, I am almost 7 months pregnant, so after 5 hours of walking, I was getting cranky and was just ready to go home. We will definitely be going back while we are living here, but I think we will wait until our family of 3 has turned into a family of 4.